

Our Curriculum – Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)

At St. Andrew’s CE Infant School we aim to provide our children with a curriculum which is engaging, relevant and promotes oracy (both spoken and written) and also enables children to acquire important factual knowledge alongside important skills for life-long learning.

The development of children’s language skills is key to their success as a learner. For this reason our curriculum is carefully structured to allow them to expand their vocabulary and their understanding of its meaning by reapplying learning from one subject area to another over a half term period (layered learning). We call this our 'layered learning'. The example below illustrates how this might look:


Week 1: Geography focus – investigating where we live

Weeks 2 & 3 : Science focus – investigating everyday materials and their properties

Week 4: RE focus – investigating sacred buildings

Week 5: History focus – looking at homes in the past

Week 6: DT focus– exploring different types of homes and designing a house for the 3 Little Pigs


Throughout the 6 week cycle the children will study a number of texts in English lessons linked to the theme of homes. During the final week of the term they will combine the knowledge they have gained in English lessons and layered learning lessons to create an independent piece of writing (hot write) which showcases everything they have learned.


By layering their learning in this way the children not only develop deep understanding and a rich vocabulary but also recognise how learning in one curriculum area is intrinsically linked to another.

The teaching of history, geography, DT and art

These subject areas are taught using units of work from the ‘PlanBee’ schemes. Each unit consists of between 5-8 40 minute lessons. The units allow the children to explore key subject content through engaging activities which can be easily adapted by teachers in order to ensure the correct level of challenge for all children within the class.


The teaching of science

This subject area is taught using units of work from the 'Kapow’ science scheme. Each unit consists of six 90 minute lessons. The units cover all aspects of the Key Stage 1 science curriculum and enable the children to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding through practical investigations. Two units of work are taught each term.

The teaching of music

This subject area is taught using the ‘Charanga’ scheme of work. Each unit consists of six 30 minute lessons. Two units are taught each term. They encourage the children to develop the skills of listening and appraisal, exploring rhythm, pulse, pitch and tempo and performance. The lessons are taught weekly by the class teacher.

The teaching of Religious Education

Religious Education follows the content of the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for RE (2024). This syllabus encourages children to develop a world views approach to the exploration of faith.  In order to ensure appropriate coverage of this agreed syllabus we follow the lesson plans contained within the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme of work when teaching about Christianity and the lesson plans contained within the ‘Units of work for Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus’ for the teaching of all other aspects of RE. Understanding of Christianity units of work are 'blocked' across a whole week each term to coincide with key times in the Christian year such as Christmas and Easter. All other aspects of the RE curriculum are taught weekly 60 minute lessons.

The teaching of PE

Our Key Stage 1 children have two 60 minute lessons of taught PE per week, delivered by the class teacher (with the support of a qualified PE and School sport coach). The lessons are delivered using the ‘Primary PE Planning’ scheme. Four units of work are taught each term. The units encourage the child to develop their physical skills alongside their knowledge of how their bodies work and how to stay fit and healthy.


Children in Reception have planned physical activity throughout the day during 'get Learning' time. These activities enable the children to develop gross motor skills and basic skill such as catching and throwing. Weekly time tabled PE lessons also take place. 

The teaching of PSHE

Personal, Social & Health Education is delivered using the 'Kapow' scheme of work. 

In EYFS our children explore the following themes:

  • My Feelings
  • Special Friendships
  • Taking on Challenges
  • Listening and Following Instructions
  • My Family and Friends
  • My Well-Being

This is then developed further in Key Stage 1 where the following themes are explored:

  • Family and Friendships
  • Health and Wee-Being
  • Safety and the Changing Body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic Well-Being


The teaching of mathematics

Mathematics Mastery (Ark Curriculum) scheme of work is used to support teachers in their delivery of a daily mathematics lesson. The scheme recognises that in order for children to become confident mathematicians, they must have opportunity to deepen their mathematical understanding by:

  • explaining, creating problems, justifying and proving using mathematical language (Language & Communication)
  • representing concepts using objects and pictures and, more abstractly, with words and symbols (Conceptual Understanding)

giving an example, by sorting or comparing, or by looking for patterns and rules in the representations they are exploring problems with (Mathematical Thinking)


The lessons have a six part structure:

  1. 'Do Now' - opportunity to recall previous learning and develop mathematical fluency
  2. 'New Learning' - where new mathematical concepts and vocabulary are introduced through adult modelling
  3. 'Talk Task' -where children begin to explore the new mathematical concept through partner work
  4. 'Develop Learning' - where children have time to deepen their understanding of this new learning
  5. 'Independent Task' - where children practice their new learning, including through the completion of a task sheet
  6. 'Plenary'- where children reflect on their learning and misconceptions are addressed. 


Daily Maths meetings (15 minutes) also take place in each class. These meetings provide children with an additional opportunity to practice their accurate use of mathematical language and the recall of previous learning (fluency).

The teaching of English

We deliver the English curriculum in the following ways:

  • Reading and phonics are taught using 'Little Wandle (Revised). Children in Reception and Year 1 have daily phonics lessons taught by their class teacher. All children have reading practice sessions three times per week when trained staff help them to develop their reading accuracy, fluency and prosody. 
  • English skills lessons (grammar, punctuation and spelling) – through daily 50 minute sessions
  • Handwriting – through 20 minute sessions delivered at least 3 times per week following the ‘Letter-Join’ handwriting scheme of work.
  • Talk4Writing – this encourages the children to use story maps and physical actions to help them to learn key structures and vocabulary from texts written by popular children's authors. They then combine this knowledge with knowledge gained through layered learning lessons in order to produce their own independent writing in a similar style to that of the author they have been studying. (Hot write)
  • Power of Reading - As the children move through Key Stage 1 they begin to use their writing and composition skills to compose longer pieces of writing using teaching sequences produced as part of 'Power of Reading' (CLPE)

Resources and useful video clips for Little Wandle can be found by clicking on the following link:

