
Home Learning

One of the ways we ask parents to be involved in their child's learning is through the completion of home learning tasks.  These include:

Daily Reading

Parents are asked to listen to their child read at home for 10 minutes each day. Home reading books which are closely matched to your child's reading ability. Your child will be sent home with three home reading books each week and will also be provided with access to 'Oxford Reading Buddy' (ORB) where they can select additional books to read should you feel they require more.  Your child will be set half termly reading targets which will help you to know what particular reading skills to focus on when your child reads to you at home. These can be found inside the front cover of your child's reading journal. 


Word Cards

Your child will also be given a set of word cards for them to learn to read at speed (without the need to 'sound them out'). These words will be a combination of the most commonly used words in the English language and those which cannot be 'sounded out' (decoded). Children should practise these words daily. New words will be provided at least half termly.



Children are provided with a maths learning journal at the start of each school year. Class teachers will inform parents each week of which activity they would like you to support your child with at home. The activities relate directly to the maths learning your child has experienced in class that week.



Children in Years 1 and 2 are provided with a spelling journal into which class teachers will record specific words your child should practice at home. These spellings will reinforce spelling patterns they have been learning during phonics and English skills lessons.
